The following is a list of symptoms that can occur with a systemic yeast condition:
Yeast/Fungal Overgrowth (Candidias)has been found to be a factor in many disorders and is found in millions of people who cannot figure out what is wrong with them. They go from doctor to doctor knowing something is not right, but are usually told it is all in their head. Symptoms can vary from person to person. The more symptoms you have the more likely you have a systemic yeast condition. Check with your health care provider.
Symptoms of Systemic Yeast
Yeast/Fungal Overgrowth (Candidias)has been found to be a factor in many disorders and is found in millions of people who cannot figure out what is wrong with them. They go from doctor to doctor knowing something is not right, but are usually told it is all in their head. Symptoms can vary from person to person.
1.jock and rectal itching
2.chronic athlete's foot
3.chronic toenail and fingernail fungus
4.ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
6.sensitivity to noise/sounds
7.sensitivity to foods
8.sensitivity to chemicals
9.sensitivity to odors
11.weight changes without changes in diet
13.feeling in a fog
15.muscle twitching
16.muscle weakness
17.jerky-leg syndrome
18.low sex drive
19.incapacitating fatigue
20.concentration/focus problems
21.short term memory
22.painful joints
23.muscle aches
24.extreme tightness in the neck and shoulders
25.acid reflux
26.brown colored mucus in the back of the throat
27.white or blood blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat
28.unrefreshing sleep
29.sore throat
30.white coated tongue
31.aversion to be touched - "crawling" skin
32.chronic sinusitis
33.frequent urination
34.headaches including migraines
35.visual blurring
36.sensitivity to light
37.eye pain
41.panic attacks
42.personality changes
43.mood swings
45.night sweats
46.canker sores
47.shortness of breath
48.hypertension/high blood pressure
49.dizziness and balance problems
50.sensitivity to heat/cold
51.alcohol intolerance
52.gluten intolerance
53.irregular heartbeat
54.irritable bowel
55.constipation and/or diarrhea
56.painful gas/abdominal bloating
57.low grade fever or low body temperature
58.numbness/tingling in the face or extremities
59.dryness of mouth and eyes
60.difficulty swallowing
61.projectile vomiting
62.menstrual problems (PMS/endometriosis)
63.recurrent yeast infections
64.recurrent ear infections
66.dry/flaking skin
69.acne discoloration/blotchiness
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