Busy Winter

Even though life is slower here at Cloverleaf Farm in the winter, it is still busy. Always seems like there is something going on.
Lately, I have been getting the seeds ready to sell on our website. I have an idea in mind of how I want to package them so it is taking longer than last year. Last year, we just bought small envelopes, put a picture on it, and labeled the back.
This year, I learned how seeds used to be packaged "back in the old days" from Strawbery Banke Museum. We have been members of Strawbery Banke for a few years now, and always delight in their programs. In the fall they hold Garden Days, and we don't miss it. They have special events throughout the year, and we try not to miss any of them. Ghosts On The Banke is always especially cool.
Garden Days is where I learned about the old seed packet folding. Uses just paper, no glue, or tape and really holds the seeds well. Loved it. I found the paper, now it is just a matter of getting it to the right size for all the seeds. I don't want to have to cut them all different. One size would make life so much easier.
We have also been working on fine tuning things around the house. We have gotten 4 bedrooms back dated, and we have just one left. We still have work to do, but we are that much closer to our goal.

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