If Winter Stays

We are getting tired of snow. Who isn’t? For folks up here in the north, and as far south as Massachusetts, all think we have had enough for one year. I know Mother Nature probably doesn’t agree.

We have been having some warmer days, which is nice for all…including the cats. We can all actually go out without freezing our fur off. I know the chickens would like to be able to get in the great outdoors again. They have been cooped up too long.

While Mother Nature decides what is in store for us next, we continue to get out new products on the website. So far, we have added Herbal Infused Oils, Elderflower Rose Day Cream, Rejuvenating Night Cream, Lemon Balm Lip Relief and Hibiscus Lip Cream. We have been working on them all winter, and are happy to finally have them available.

By March, we should have the rest of our new herbal products developed and ready for the website, which will include our Acne Cream with Neem and an herbal Anti-Fungal Oil for athletes foot.

We are most excited about our Anti-Aging Cream and Anti-Aging Serum. A blend of herbs, oils, extracts and essential oils that rehydrate and can help reduce wrinkles. If you would like to be added to the waiting list for those, just drop us an email.

Cheers to winter. If winter never ends…we’ll just keep formulating new herbal products. Being that the summers are too busy, it’s the only chance we have.

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